

The Hidden Costs of Static Planning

The opportunity costs of obsolete planning processes are real and growing

In light of recent events, we know many finance teams are busy reforecasting plans for the year.

As modern CFO’s move beyond accounting to become business performance leaders, the awareness of missed opportunities caused by static planning processes has escalated. CFO’s who fail to guide their companies with active planning processes are seeing negative impacts on their organisations’ ability to capture profit and grow.

In this e-Book we cover:

  • The opportunity costs and challenges of static planning have recently become so great that companies are seeking alternatives to legacy on-premise systems and spreadsheets

  • How static planning can harm your company in the short term – by inordinately tying up resources and damaging credibility with errors — which in turn stifles long-term objectives of growth and productivity

  • Why a lack of collaboration between finance and business stakeholders hampers the move to results-driven planning and decision making and dooming finance teams to support gut-based and reactive decision making

  • How an active planning approach can unleash the true potential of the finance team and broader organisation and engage all stakeholders in a culture of planning.

Download this e-Book now and start active planning. Fill in the adjacent form.

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Click here to download the e-book: The Hidden Costs of Static Planning


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