

Let’s get your systems talking… to each other

Want to improve your cashflow by 17%?

Data integration helps realise the potential of data, regardless of where it rests and the format it’s in. Integrating data from disparate sources can help businesses unlock revenue and profitability… and we help clients achieve this every day.
Application integration provides efficiency opportunities by ensuring your core business applications are connected seamlessly and in real time. We have improved multiple clients’ finance planning and performance management by connecting ERP and finance systems in real time. We removed manual labour, improved reporting accuracy and reduced duplicate systems costs as well as improving staff engagement.
  • Do you find it tough to achieve executive consensus on business performance underpinned by data?
  • Unable to pinpoint the reasons why competitors are better able to adapt to market changes?
  • Want to learn how we reduced manual reporting efforts for a retailer by 4.5 years?
  • Are you facing a major business transformation or change and are your business processes falling apart?

If you ask yourself these questions and more, you’re not alone; these are challenges we help clients navigate every day.

global businessman holding glowing sphere futuristic communication concepts generated by ai
Want to learn how we approach partnership differently and are relentless about getting your outcome?
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Connect – Exchange – Manage – Transform – Predict

Integrates data from any source, in any environment, and at any speed – all at scale. Solve unique integration challenges, like:
• Application & Data Integration
• API Management
• B2B Integration
• Big Data
• Data Engineering
• Enterprise Automation” front_padding=”0px|20px||20px|false|false” front_ct_padding=”36px|0px|0px|0px|false|false” front_img_padding=”0px|0px|0px|0px|false|false” front_img_height=”33px” front_img_width=”241px” back_bg_use_color_gradient=”on” back_bg_color_gradient_stops=”#90186a 1%|#041b2d 98%” front_bg_image=”https://decisioninc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ProductsBG2.jpg” front_subtitle_spacing=”22px” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|800||on|||||” front_title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” front_title_letter_spacing=”1px” back_title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” back_description_text_color=”#FFFFFF” back_description_font_size=”17px” front_subtitle_font=”|600|||||||” front_subtitle_text_color=”#FFFFFF” front_subtitle_line_height=”1.7em” back_subtitle_line_height=”1.2em” width=”100%” min_height=”343px” height=”343px” custom_margin=”0px||||false|false” link_option_url_new_window=”on” border_radii_card=”on|30px|30px|30px|30px” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”0″ _address=”″ /]

[ba_flipbox front_media_type=”image” front_img=”https://decisioninc.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/decisioninc-logo-w-e1515409147573.png” front_title=”A RECIPE FOR DATA: MAKING SENSE OF THE INGREDIENTS WITH DECISION INC.” back_media_type=”none” back_description=”Beak & Johnston were looking to migrate their data onto one platform and gain deeper insights from their data analytics capability.” front_padding=”0px|20px|0px|20px|false|false” front_ct_padding=”36px|0px|0px|0px|false|false” front_img_width=”241px” back_bg_use_color_gradient=”on” back_bg_color_gradient_stops=”#90186a 1%|#041b2d 98%” front_bg_image=”https://decisioninc.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/ProductsBG2.jpg” front_subtitle_spacing=”22px” _builder_version=”4.21.0″ _module_preset=”default” front_title_font=”|800|||||||” front_title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” back_title_text_color=”#FFFFFF” back_description_text_color=”#FFFFFF” back_description_font_size=”17px” front_subtitle_font=”|600|||||||” front_subtitle_text_color=”#FFFFFF” front_subtitle_line_height=”1.6em” back_subtitle_line_height=”1.2em” width=”100%” min_height=”343px” height=”343px” custom_margin=”1px||-13px||false|false” custom_padding=”||0px||false|false” border_radii_card=”on|30px|30px|30px|30px” global_colors_info=”{}” _i=”0″ _address=”″ /]

Get Started with Data Integration

Let us assist you with your Data Journey