
WHITE PAPER: 5 Tips to future proof your company culture

Building a business culture for the era of intelligence

2020 heralds a decade in which Artificial Intelligence will fundamentally shift the way we work. Despite the advancements in technology over the last two decades, too many organisations still rely on antiquated business processes and limited insights into their historical business data.

A new way of collaboration and social engagement at the office has started to become more and more pervasive. We can apply our people’s most valuable assets – imagination, collaboration and cooperation – to form idea labs to solve our current and future problems, find efficiencies and new ideas for the business.

Written by Hein Taljaard, Head of Digital & Data, Decision Inc. Australia, formerly ABM Systems, this paper outlines why you need to build for technology, not enable technology and why you need to let people drive innovation, among other tips to future proof your company culture.

The next decade is going to see significant change, and everyone needs to start paying real attention. As businesses, we need to ensure that we enable our people to help us thrive in the future. Neither people nor technology can do it alone. Finding a way to work together has now become mission-critical. 

To find out more, download the 5 Tips to future proof your company culture white paper.

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